とどまる heeft 42 vertalingen in 14 talen

vertaling van とどまる

JA NL Nederlands 3 vertalingen
  • blijven (n v) [To remain in a particular place, to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • verblijven (n v) [To remain in a particular place]
  • achterblijven (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
JA ES Spaans 5 vertalingen
  • quedarse (n v) [To remain in a particular place, to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • permanecer (n v) [To remain in a particular place]
  • sobrar (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • pasar la noche (n v) [To remain in a particular place]
  • hospedarse (n v) [To remain in a particular place]
JA FR Frans 1 vertaling
  • rester (n v) [To remain in a particular place, to stay behind while others withdraw]
JA IT Italiaans 3 vertalingen
  • rimanere (n v) [To remain in a particular place, to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • restare (n v) [To remain in a particular place, to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • stare (n v) [To remain in a particular place, to stay behind while others withdraw]
JA PT Portugees 5 vertalingen
  • ficar (n v) [To remain in a particular place, to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • permanecer (n v) [To remain in a particular place, to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • sobrar (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • restar (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • remanescer (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
JA SV Zweeds 5 vertalingen
  • stanna (n v) [To remain in a particular place]
  • vistas (n v) [To remain in a particular place]
  • stanna kvar (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • bli kvar (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • kvarbliva (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
JA DE Duits 4 vertalingen
JA CS Tsjechisch 3 vertalingen
  • zůstat (n v) [To remain in a particular place, to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • pobýt (n v) [To remain in a particular place]
  • zbýt (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
JA PL Pools 4 vertalingen
JA HU Hongaars 2 vertalingen
  • marad (n v) [To remain in a particular place, to stay behind while others withdraw]
  • tartózkodik (n v) [To remain in a particular place]
JA RU Rus 2 vertalingen
JA SL Sloveens 1 vertaling
  • ostati (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
JA HI Hindi 2 vertalingen
JA VI Vietnamese 2 vertalingen