спусти́ться heeft 21 vertalingen in 9 talen

vertaling van спусти́ться

RU NL Nederlands 3 vertalingen
  • afdalen (v) [descend, to pass from a higher to a lower place]
  • afgaan (v) [To move from being on top of (a thing)]
  • neerdalen (v) [to pass from a higher to a lower place]
RU ES Spaans 2 vertalingen
  • bajar (v) [to pass from a higher to a lower place]
  • descender (v) [to pass from a higher to a lower place]
RU FR Frans 1 vertaling
  • descendre (v) [descend, to come down; to descend, to pass from a higher to a lower place]
RU PT Portugees 4 vertalingen
  • baixar (v) [to pass from a higher to a lower place]
  • descer (v) [descend, to pass from a higher to a lower place]
  • sair (v) [To move from being on top of (a thing)]
  • descender (v) [to pass from a higher to a lower place]
RU IT Italiaans 1 vertaling
  • scendere (v) [To move from being on top of (a thing), to pass from a higher to a lower place]
RU DE Duits 4 vertalingen
RU CS Tsjechisch 2 vertalingen
  • sestoupit (v) [to pass from a higher to a lower place]
  • sundat (v) [To move from being on top of (a thing)]
RU BG Bulgarian 3 vertalingen
RU JA Japanse 1 vertaling
  • 降りる (v) [To move from being on top of (a thing), to pass from a higher to a lower place] (v)