es más heeft 25 vertalingen in 8 talen

vertaling van es más

ES NL Nederlands 2 vertalingen
  • bovendien (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information]
  • daarenboven (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information]
ES EN Engels 2 vertalingen
ES FR Frans 9 vertalingen
  • d'autre part (adv) [furthermore, In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information]
  • de plus (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information, furthermore]
  • du reste (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information, furthermore]
  • au surplus (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information]
  • en plus (adv) [furthermore, In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information]
  • de surcroît (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information, furthermore]
  • par surcroît (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information, furthermore]
  • au reste (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information, furthermore]
  • d'un autre côté (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information, furthermore] (prep adv)
ES IT Italiaans 1 vertaling
  • inoltre (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information]
ES DE Duits 4 vertalingen
  • darüber hinaus (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information, furthermore]
  • außerdem (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information, furthermore]
  • überdies (adv) [furthermore]
  • weiterhin (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information]
ES BG Bulgarian 2 vertalingen
  • освен това (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information] (prep adv adj n)
  • нещо повече (adv) [In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information] (adv)
ES RU Rus 3 vertalingen
ES JA Japanse 2 vertalingen