responsável heeft 61 vertalingen in 13 talen

vertaling van responsável

PT NL Nederlands 8 vertalingen
  • toerekeningsvatbaar (a) [direito]
  • toerekenbaar (a) [direito]
  • betrouwbaar (adj) [able to be trusted, comportamento]
  • vertrouwenswaardig (a) [comportamento]
  • verantwoordelijk (adj) [involving a degree of personal accountability, responsabilidade, emprego, débito, being a primary cause or agent of some event or action, answerable for an act performed or for its consequences, able to answer reasonably for one's conduct, Having accountability]
  • aansprakelijk (adj) [Having accountability, answerable for an act performed or for its consequences, débito, emprego, responsabilidade]
  • responsabel (a) [débito, emprego, involving a degree of personal accountability, responsabilidade]
  • degelijk (adj) [able to be trusted]
PT EN Engels 8 vertalingen
PT ES Spaans 7 vertalingen
  • responsable (adj) [able to answer reasonably for one's conduct, able to be trusted, answerable for an act performed or for its consequences, being a primary cause or agent of some event or action, comportamento, direito, débito, emprego, responsabilidade, Having accountability]
  • en su sano juicio (a) [direito]
  • cuerdo (a) [direito]
  • garante (a) [débito, emprego, responsabilidade] {m}
  • digno de confianza (a) [comportamento]
  • comprometido (a) [débito, emprego, responsabilidade]
  • de responsabilidad (adj) [involving a degree of personal accountability] (adj)
PT FR Frans 7 vertalingen
  • responsable (adj) [able to answer reasonably for one's conduct, able to be trusted, answerable for an act performed or for its consequences, being a primary cause or agent of some event or action, comportamento, direito, débito, emprego, involving a degree of personal accountability, responsabilidade, Having accountability] {m}
  • sain d'esprit (a) [direito]
  • chargé de (a) [débito, responsabilidade, emprego]
  • comptable (a) [débito, emprego, responsabilidade] {m}
  • garant (a) [débito, emprego, responsabilidade] {m}
  • digne de confiance (a) [comportamento]
  • responsable de (a) [débito, emprego, responsabilidade]
PT IT Italiaans 5 vertalingen
PT DE Duits 8 vertalingen
PT SV Zweeds 9 vertalingen
PT CS Tsjechisch 1 vertaling
  • odpovědný (adj) [answerable for an act performed or for its consequences]
PT PL Pools 1 vertaling
  • odpowiedzialny (adj) [able to answer reasonably for one's conduct, answerable for an act performed or for its consequences]
PT DA Deens 4 vertalingen
  • ansvarlig (adj) [able to answer reasonably for one's conduct, answerable for an act performed or for its consequences, being a primary cause or agent of some event or action] (adj)
  • ansvarsbevidst (adj) [able to answer reasonably for one's conduct, able to be trusted] (adj)
  • ansvarsfuld (adj) [involving a degree of personal accountability] (adj)
  • pålidelig (adj) [able to be trusted] (adj)
PT BG Bulgarian 1 vertaling
PT RU Rus 1 vertaling
  • отве́тственный (adj) [Having accountability, able to answer reasonably for one's conduct, answerable for an act performed or for its consequences, being a primary cause or agent of some event or action, involving a degree of personal accountability] (adj)
PT JA Japanse 1 vertaling
  • 責任のある (adj) [answerable for an act performed or for its consequences] (adj)