Thèbes heeft 23 vertalingen in 16 talen

vertaling van Thèbes

FR EN Engels 1 vertaling
  • Thebes [Any of two important cities in antiquity, either in Greece or Egypt.]
FR ES Spaans 1 vertaling
  • Tebas [Any of two important cities in antiquity, either in Greece or Egypt.] (Egipto)
FR IT Italiaans 1 vertaling
  • Tebe [Any of two important cities in antiquity, either in Greece or Egypt.] (Egitto)
FR DE Duits 1 vertaling
  • Theben [Any of two important cities in antiquity, either in Greece or Egypt.] (Griechenland)
FR PT Portugees 1 vertaling
  • Tebas [Any of two important cities in antiquity, either in Greece or Egypt.] (Egipto)
FR SV Zweeds 3 vertalingen
FR CS Tsjechisch 2 vertalingen
FR PL Pools 1 vertaling
  • Teby [Any of two important cities in antiquity, either in Greece or Egypt.] (Grecja)
FR DA Deens 1 vertaling
FR BG Bulgarian 1 vertaling
FR HU Hongaars 2 vertalingen
FR RU Rus 1 vertaling
  • Фивы [Any of two important cities in antiquity, either in Greece or Egypt.] (Египет)
FR SL Sloveens 2 vertalingen
FR JA Japanse 2 vertalingen
FR VI Vietnamese 2 vertalingen