Zelle heeft 105 vertalingen in 21 talen

vertaling van Zelle

DE NL Nederlands 8 vertalingen
DE ES Spaans 7 vertalingen
DE FR Frans 6 vertalingen
  • cellule (n) [Informationstechnologie, Biologie, Elektrizität, basic unit of a living organism, room in a prison for containing inmates] {f}
  • cellule d'avion (n) [Luftfahrt] {f}
  • fuselage (n) [Luftfahrt] {m}
  • cabine (n) [Abteil, An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person] {f}
  • guérite (n) [An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person]
  • Cellule (biologie)
DE IT Italiaans 5 vertalingen
  • cellula (n) [Biologie, Luftfahrt, basic unit of a living organism] {f}
  • elemento [Elektrizität] {m}
  • cella (n) [room in a prison for containing inmates] {f}
  • cabina [Abteil, An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person] {f}
  • Cellula
DE PT Portugees 7 vertalingen
DE SV Zweeds 5 vertalingen
DE CS Tsjechisch 3 vertalingen
DE PL Pools 4 vertalingen
DE DA Deens 2 vertalingen
DE BG Bulgarian 5 vertalingen
DE HU Hongaars 3 vertalingen
DE RU Rus 11 vertalingen
DE SL Sloveens 2 vertalingen
DE ZH Chinese 2 vertalingen
DE HI Hindi 1 vertaling
DE JA Japanse 3 vertalingen
  • 細胞 [basic unit of a living organism]
  • ブース (n) [An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person] (n)
  • 独房 (n) [room in a prison for containing inmates] (n)
DE VI Vietnamese 2 vertalingen
DE NO no 1 vertaling
DE FI fi 5 vertalingen
  • koppi [An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person]
  • solu [basic unit of a living organism]
  • Solu
  • selli (n) [room in a prison for containing inmates] (sähk)
  • tyrmä (n) [room in a prison for containing inmates]
DE TR tr 4 vertalingen
  • hücre [basic unit of a living organism, room in a prison for containing inmates]
  • kabin (n) [An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person]
  • kulübe (n) [An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person]
  • Hücre